

小乐剧情 2024-06-08 09:25 388 160条评论
最近很火的英文歌战歌,最近很火的英文电影摘要: 網頁adjective. uk / ˈriː.s ə nt / us / ˈriː.s ə nt / Add to word list. B1. happening or starting from a short time ago. 最近的;最新的;近來的. Is that a recent photo? 那張照片是最近照的嗎? Have you been following recent political events? 你關注最近發生的政治事件了嗎? In recent times / years / months, etc. there has been an increase in the amount of violence on television....

網頁adjective. uk / ˈriː.s ə nt / us / ˈriː.s ə nt / Add to word list. B1. happening or starting from a short time ago. 最近的;最新的;近來的. Is that a recent photo? 那張照片是最近照的嗎? Have you been following recent political events? 你關注最近發生的政治事件了嗎? In recent times / years / months, etc. there has been an increase in the amount of violence on television.

網頁最近地. new-uk/njuː-/us/nuː-/prefix. recent or recently: The government's new-found enthusiasm for green issues has been welcomed by environmentalists.政府最近表现出来的对环保问题的热情受到环境保护主义者的欢迎。 查看更多. 最近的. lastuk/lɑːst/us/læst/A1adjective. (being) the most recent or the one before the present …


網 頁 zui jin di . n e w - u k / n j u ː - / u s / n u ː - / p r e f i x . r e c e n t o r r e c e n t l y : T h e g o v e r n m e n t ' s n e w - f o u n d e n t h u s i a s m f o r g r e e n i s s u e s h a s b e e n w e l c o m e d b y e n v i r o n m e n t a l i s t s . zheng fu zui jin biao xian chu lai de dui huan bao wen ti de re qing shou dao huan jing bao hu zhu yi zhe de huan ying 。 zha kan geng duo . zui jin de . l a s t u k / l ɑ ː s t / u s / l æ s t / A 1 a d j e c t i v e . ( b e i n g ) t h e m o s t r e c e n t o r t h e o n e b e f o r e t h e p r e s e n t …

\ _ /

網頁最近 [zuì jìn] (近来) recently; lately; of late: the current issue of China Pictorial; 最近一期的《中国画报》 I've been very busy recently. 我最近很忙。 (距离最近的) nearest (最近的将来) in the near future; soon: She'll be going

網頁最近 的英语 翻译. [zuìjìn] 形. recent. 最近的一期杂志 [zuìjìn de yī qī zázhì] a recent edition of the magazine. 她最近发表了几篇文章。 [Tā zuìjìn fābiǎole jǐ piān wénzhāng.] She’s recently published several essays. Copyright © by HarperCollins Publishers. All rights reserved. 查看相关内容. 在其他语言中. 最近. 英式英语: lately / ˈleɪtlɪ / ADVERB. Lately means recently.

網頁1 (= lately, not long ago) 最近 zuìjìn. until recently. 直到最近 zhídào zuìjìn. 在这些条目还发现'recently': 在英文解释里: as of late - fresh - just here - kelt - last - lately - necrology - new broom - newborn - newcomer - newly - newly elected - not long - of late - only - only just - this - warm - weaner - weanling. 中文: 最近 - 近日 - 近来 - 新近.

網頁recently 在英語-中文(繁體)詞典中的翻譯. adverb. uk / ˈriː.s ə nt.li / us / ˈriː.s ə nt.li / Add to word list. B1. not long ago, or at a time that started not long ago. 最近;近來. Have you seen any good films recently? 你最近看過甚麽好電影嗎? Until very recently he worked as a teacher and he still shudders at the memories. 他一直做老師,直到最近才不做。 現在他 …

網頁2021年11月14日 · “Recently”是中文「最近」的意思,它可以用來表示在最近、不久前發生的事情。 (1) I visited my grandparents recently. 我最近去探望我的祖父母。 (2) I had a dental appointment recently, and my dentist said my teeth looked good. 我最近去看牙醫,他說我的牙齒不錯。 “Lately”也是可以用來表示「最近」的英文單字,它也可以用於近來、 …

網頁2022年5月16日 · 你最近過得好嗎?直覺翻譯: How are you recently?_____(X)🤔 但recently真的是這樣用嗎?【recently】最近 是一個副詞,經常使用在過去式或完成式的句型中往下看看有什麼用法吧! 第一種:表示時間的

網頁最近地. new- uk / njuː-/ us / nuː-/ prefix. recent or recently: The government's new-found enthusiasm for green issues has been welcomed by environmentalists. 政府最近表现出来的对环保问题的热情受到环境保护主义者的欢迎。 最近的. last uk / lɑːst/ us / læst/ A1 adjective. (being) the most recent or the one before the present one: Did you hear the storm last …

網頁2023年10月4日 · 這個英文片語 「these days」 是 「相較於過去,最近」 的意思,與 「recently」和「lately」 的語意略有差異。 以下是劍橋辭典的說明: “used to talk about the present time, in comparison with the past”


作者:小乐剧情本文地址:https://m.ttshuba.com/11th0b2o.html发布于 2024-06-08 09:25







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